Miracle Network
The Miracle Network is a UK-Registered Charity (reg. number 1108852), acting as a resource organisation for all things related to A Course in Miracles in the UK.
We offer a free support, contact and information service for 3,500 students of A Course in Miracles. Our primary goal is to be of service to that community. We are, above all, friendly and welcoming and, whatever stage you are on your journey with A Course in Miracles, we invite and encourage you to connect with us and join any activity you feel called to. The Miracle Café evenings are a good place to start, if you are a newcomer.

*Please note this is not an illustration of the study guide
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What we do
The Miracle Network publishes a bi-monthly magazine, ‘Miracle Worker’ which contains news, thought-provoking and inspiring articles, an events guide (Course-related events all over the UK) and listings of ACIM study and support groups. See Miracle Worker.
We organise our own Course-related talks, workshops and classes, at both local and national level, as well as a bi-annual conference (see Events). The Miracle Cafe runs on the last Tuesday evening of the month, formerly in Neal’s Yard, Covent Garden, but now online.
We provide a mail-order service on Course-related books, CDs and computer programs. Many of these items are difficult or impossible to obtain in the shops in the UK, so try us first! See Shop. We have a YouTube channel, with weekly meditations and other material (handle: @MiracleNetworkTV)
We maintain a list of ACIM Support Groups nationwide, which is printed in every issue of ‘Miracle Worker’. Many students have found that joining a study group has contributed greatly to their understanding of the Course, and has given them new friends and support. For the most up-to-date list see Study/Support Groups.
Who we are
Management Team:
As well as Trustees, working behind the scenes at the Miracle Network is the Management Team – a group of volunteers, responsible for overseeing our services, including the website, events, marketing and communications. The team comprises the Miracle Network’s founder, Ian Patrick; Miracle Worker’s editor, Dan Strodl, and six Course students, who have a passion for serving students of A Course in Miracles. We meet every month to discuss ways in which we can better serve the community. If you have ideas you would like us to consider, please contact admin@miracles.org.uk.
These services are provided on a voluntary basis, so the Miracle Network welcomes new UK subscribers to ‘Miracle Worker’ magazine, and gratefully accepts additional donations to cover our costs and to cover those currently unable to pay.
If you wish to subscribe to ‘Miracle Worker‘ magazine, or support the work of the Miracle Network by sending a donation you may do so online, or by filling in the order form and sending it to us with your payment.
Membership: Becoming a Miracle Friend will entitle you to a 20% discount off everything your purchase or book.