Miracle Cafe talk with Amy Torres
How to Loosen the Ego’s Grip
Amy invites you into felt-experience of the Holy Spirit, using the prayer for forgiveness from Chapter 3 of A Course in Miracles and using the body as your classroom, to undo ego identity with the body. “And you have done a stranger thing than you yet realize. You have displaced your guilt to your body from your mind.” (T-18.VI.2:4-5)
Many years ago, the Message, “The body is congealed thought” came to Amy, along with “You are thinning away like the heel of a threadbare sock.” These messages pointed to using the ‘hero’ of the ego dream (the body) to melt away the ego thoughts that block our awareness of Love’s Presence. Happily, “The Holy Spirit teaches you to use what the ego has made, to teach the opposite of what the ego has ‘learned.’” (T-7.IV.3:3)
Amy Torres has been teaching A Course in Miracles since 2005 and wrote the Ask Amy column for Jon Mundy’s Miracles magazine. ACIM, psychotherapy and yoga have been the fertile ground for the “de-construction of Amy,” a self-inquiry process she calls ‘unravelization.’ Her book of blessings, Sweet Dreams of Awakening, is a companion to the ACIM workbook. She teaches ACIM on Zoom every Wednesday. amytorresacim.com YouTube: amytorresacim
Times: UK: 7 – 8.30pm, Europe: 8 – 9.30pm, Eastern: 3 – 4.30pm, Pacific: 12 – 1.30pm
Price: £12, concessions £8, Friends £9.60.
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