Mike Warwick: The Art of Surrender


Mike Warwick offers an exploration of 'The Art of Surrender'. How can it help on our path to Inner Peace? Which spiritual practices can support our surrender to the Divine?

£8.00 – £12.00

Beth Geer: Dreams, Visions and ‘A Course in Miracles’


Beth Geer shares extraordinary experiences she has had, on her 20-year journey with ACIM, imparting life-changing messages she received through dreams, visions and clairvoyance - stories she hopes will be enjoyable and helpful.

£13.50 – £20.00

Myron Jones: Stepping Into Awakening – An Experiment


Myron Jones asks if we could be awakened now? How would we experience the present moment? Could we step into that state right now? Could this be a more direct path?

£8.00 – £12.00

Peter Parr: Into Love’s Presence Would I Enter Now


Peter Parr explores ways we can become more open to the Holy Spirit’s promptings of love and truth, in this gently-paced evening, grounded in stillness. We need to let our mind be quiet, to hear his Voice and enter into His Presence.

£8.00 – £12.00

Jackie Lora Jones: From Inner Conflict to Inner Peace


Jackie Lora Jones discusses how we can be ego-free in all the roles in our lives. She will discuss nourishing and trusting your forgiveness process. This is how we awaken!

£13.50 – £20.00

Lia Steinson: Emotional Healing


Lia Steinson will show how to understand, process and let go of feelings of anger, grief, fear and depression, which stand in the way of our peace and remembrance of our true nature.

£38.00 – £57.00

Nick Arandes: The Power of Silence


Nick Arandes explores how to experience silence, always, through the practice of forgiveness in 'A Course in Miracles'.

£8.00 – £12.00

Robert Perry: Holy Encounters CANCELLED


Robert Perry will tell us what 'A Course in Miracles' says about holy encounters and show us how to enter into them more and more.

Amy Torres: Your Mind is Like a Clenched Fist


Amy Torres invites you into felt-experience of the Holy Spirit, using a prayer for forgiveness in 'A Course in Miracles' and the body as your classroom, to undo ego identity with the body.

£8.00 – £12.00

Alan Cohen: The Great Reversal


Alan Cohen will shed light on five key reversals of thought, to help any ACIM student to know what is true. As ACIM says, to know what is true, we must reverse everything the world has taught us about what is real.

£13.50 – £20.00

Jon Mundy: Living a Lucid Life


Jon Mundy shares how, as we awaken from our dreaming of the world, listen to His voice and undo our errors, life begins to take on a ‘holy’ new, more lucid, clear and, miraculously, meaningful perspective.

£13.50 – £20.00

Hakim Hamza: The Strength in Gentleness


Hakim Hamza asks if we could be gentle with our resistance. Perhaps this is the best way forward - gradually embracing the fear of letting go of the ego - and the only way to truly awaken.

£8.00 – £12.00

Jane Tipping & Paul Goudsmit: From Special to Holy – Money


Paul Gousmit and Jane Tipping explore what we have made money mean to us, how we use it to prove our beliefs and look at what is needed to develop a clear, guilt-free relationship instead.

£8.00 – £12.00

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