A Course in Miracles

Alphabetical List of Study Groups

Alphabetical Course in Miracles Study Groups

This information is provided for the benefit of those wishing to locate and join a group in their area. It is not to be used for the purposes of promotion or advertising by individuals or organisations, under any circumstances.

Disclaimer: These listings are provided for information only. The Miracle Network does not endorse or recommend any particular group. We do not, and cannot, take responsibility for the content or running of any group.

Please email admin@miracles.org.uk if the details here change or to add a new group to the list.


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Country/Region Town/City Details
Bath & Bristol Bath Joanne Menon info@joannemenon.com
Beds Flitwick Garry Hasler 07738 280689 or garry@healinginmind.net
Bucks Littleworth Cm. Littleworth Cm.
Bucks M. Keynes Eliana Dutra eliana.dutra@talktalk.net
Cambs Somersham Lynne Edwards (01487) 840664
Derbyshire Chesterfield Hilary Wollett 07773 769348
Dorset Bournemouth Gemma Now 07928 276012
Dorset Bridport Suna Morrissey (01308) 423482
Dorset Weymouth Martin Tapley martintapley1@outlook.com
Glos Cheltenham Paul Bradley jointwill44@gmail.com
Herts Hemel Hempstead Holly Thomas 07988 831332
Herts Hitchin Aimee Lauezzari 07920 149270 or aimeecheers@hotmail.com
Herts Rickmansworth Claire Lawrence 07903 297752
Isle of Wight Bembridge Danuta Molecki (01983) 874645, 07879 021521 or danamolecki@gmail.com
Kent Rochester Geoff Cooper (01634) 312802
Lancashire Chipping Tony McLoughlin (01995) 61311 or littleblacksticks@hotmail.com
Leicester Leicester Aisling Cusack 07814 510247 or mayo93@hotmail.co.uk
London, Gtr Bayswater/Kensington Eileen (020) 7727 4874
London, Gtr Belsize Park Nigel Mallows 07957 476376 or nigelmallows@gmail.com. Please call in advance
London, Gtr Bromley Theresa Borg borgter@gmail.com
London, Gtr Croydon Jane Innis (020) 8667 1226, 07712 005769 or jrinnis@gmail.com
London, Gtr Crystal Palace Mark McCarthy gettoefl@yahoo.com
London, Gtr Stanmore Melanie Bloch + Nicky Rawlings (020) 8954 1168 or mel_bloch@yahoo.co.uk
London, Gtr Uxbridge Susan Culverwell (01895) 462091, 07889 199566 or susanculverwell@gmail.com
London, Gtr Waterloo Sabbir Muslim 07413 508449 or sabbirmuslim@gmail.com (ACIM + enlightenment)
Norfolk Norwich Vivien Carver (01603) 456806 or viviencarver@btinternet.com
Norfolk Swaffham Vivien Carver (01603) 456806 or viviencarver@btinternet.com
Northants Kettering Dennis Kreamer (01536) 520838 or den.kreamer@gmail.com
Northants Northampton Hayley Trasler 07706 249740 or hayleytrasler@hotmail.co.uk
Somerset Glastonbury/Street Gemma Now 07928 276012
Somerset Wells Andrea Harris (01749) 870795 or andreaharrisuk@aol.com
Suffolk Ipswich Christian Darling 07732 196361 or christian.temple@hotmail.com
Suffolk Stowmarket Sue Reynard (01449) 774994 or sue.reynard@hotmail.co.uk
Suffolk Sudbury Melody Wood 07765 211119
Surrey Epsom Wendy Hoy 07808 929009 or wendyhoy@talktalk.net
Sussex, East Bexhill Buzz + Carole Foote (01424) 217452 or buzzfoote@hotmail.com
Sussex, East Brighton Andrew Haddow (01273) 778736 or ar.haddow@gmail.com
Sussex, East Eastbourne Jane Wilde 07596 401578
Sussex, East Hastings James Whiting (01424) 756964 or jameswhiting123@btinternet.com
Sussex, East Lewes Peter Nelson (01273) 477508 or acimsupport@wombnet.com
Teesside Middlesboro’ Terry Doyle 07971 105082 or terry-doyle@live.co.uk
Tyne & Wear Newcastle-u-T Rachel Nichol 07425 679476 or racheln75@hotmail.com
W Midlands Birmingham 1 Angie Nichols (0121) 778 2651
W Midlands Birmingham 2 Lyndsay Bradley 07540 050432
W Midlands Stourbridge Lyndsay Bradley 07540 050432
Worcs Worcester Nick Davis (01886) 288295
Yorkshire, W Holmfirth Melanie Crewe 07720 419292 or melanie@savant-health.com
Yorkshire, W Huddersfield Diana O’Shaughnessy 07313 178578
Column 1 Value 49 Column 2 Value 49 Column 3 Value 49


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Country/Region Town/City Details
Dundee Huddersfield Joe and Sarah McIntyre (01382) 223158 or mcintyre.restorations@yahoo.co.uk
Glasgow Glasgow Libby McArthur (0141) 588 4488, 07947 836934 or libby@libbymcarthur.com
Highland Dingwall Chris & Jerry Pamphilon (01349) 861822 or pamphilonscotland@yahoo.com
Highland Kingussie Jude Wills 07999 584146
Moray Forres James Findlay (01309) 672718 or jclfind@mac.com


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Country/Region Town/City Details
Ceredigion Aberystwyth Brigid Rose (01970) 832156
Gwynedd Aberdyfi Jules Montgomery 07815 533361 or jules.acim@gmail.com
Pembrokes. Narberth Helen Scott 07534 928102 helenhsctt@aol.com
Pembrokes. Tenby Alison Cumpsty 07481 843605
Powys Crickhowell Anna de Sousa 07738 276735
Swansea Swansea Vivienne Killick (01639) 778570
Wrexham Wrexham Michelle Murphy 07769 334687

Northern Ireland

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Country/Region Town/City Details
Northern Ireland Dungannon Sean McGreary (028) 8778 4446
Northern Ireland Omagh Holly Chambers 07734 696771, hollychambers99@hotmail.com

Channel Islands

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Country/Region Town/City Details
Channel Is Jersey Elizabeth Fisher (01534) 861427 or Viviane Jayes (01534) 862066