A Course in Miracles

Places with people seeking to form groups

Form a UK ACIM Study Group

For details, please call 020 7262 0209 or email info@miracles.org.uk

This information is provided for the benefit of those wishing to locate and join a group in their area. It is not to be used for the purposes of promotion or advertising by individuals or organisations, under any circumstances.

Please email admin@miracles.org.uk if the details here change or to add a new group to the list.


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Country/Region City
Bristol + Bath Bath
Bristol + Bath Bristol
Bucks High Wycombe
Cambs Peterborough
Cornwall Bude
Cornwall Camborne
Cornwall Falmouth
Cornwall Goran Haven
Cornwall Perranporth
Cornwall Truro
Cumbria Ambleside
Cumbria Whitehaven
Devon Exmouth
Devon Plymouth
Devon Totnes
Hants Basingstoke
Hants Eastleigh
Hants Portsmouth
Hants Tadley
Kent Deal
Kent Folkestone
Kent Ramsgate
Kent Rochester
Lancs Preston
Leicestershire Leicester
Lincolnshire Grantham
Lincolnshire Bourne
Lincolnshire Cleethorps
London, Gtr Ealing
London, Gtr Lewisham
Merseyside Wallasey
Oxon Abingdon
Somerset Weston-s-Mare
Staffs Burton-o-Trent
Staffs Newcastle-u-Lyme
Staffs Stoke-o-Trent
Sussex, West Burgess Hill
Sussex, West Chichester
Sussex, West Petersfield
Warks Leamington Spa
Wiltshire Chippenham
Wiltshire Marlborough
Yorkshire, N Hawes
Yorkshire, S Rotherham
Yorkshire, W Leeds


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Country/Region Town/City
Orkney Islands Orkney Islands


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Country/Region Town/City

Northern Ireland

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Country/Region Town/City

Channel Islands

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Country/Region Town/City