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Miracle Worker Magazine

The Miracle Network publishes a bi-monthly magazine, Miracle Worker which contains news, thought-provoking and inspiring articles, What’s On (Course-related events all over the UK) and listings of ACIM study and support groups.
Subscriptions are for 12 months, which provide for 6 bi-monthly issues posted directly to your home. There are three kinds of subscription for the printed magazine: UK addresses, European addresses and the rest of the world. The only difference is the delivery/postal charge. There is also the option of taking a cheaper Electronic Subscription (listed in the drop-down menu under ‘Options’).
If, for any reason, you cannot pay a subscription, you may contact our Administration office and ask to be exempt for a year (can be renewed): or (020) 3538 6163.
You can download PDFs of back issues (Issue 118 to the latest) from our Shop.
Miracle Worker is the magazine of the UK Miracle Network, a UK Registered Charity serving students of A Course in Miracles since 1994.
Join Miracle Friends and get a free ‘rolling’ subscription
By joining Miracle Friends, you support our charity work in making Course teachings and materials accessible to all students in the UK, including those on low incomes.
In return for a contribution of £12/month we would like to offer you:
Free ‘rolling’ subscription to our six annual issues of Miracle Worker magazine
+ 20% off the full price of all Miracle Network events, including the Conference, Miracle Cafe, all talks, workshops and retreats (except the accommodation element)
+ 20% off mail-order purchases (and note that beyond what’s listed, we can also source and ship ACIM-related books and materials at good prices!)
+ 20% off all website purchases
+ 20% off bookstall purchases.