A Course in Miracles
Online Study Groups

This information is provided for the benefit of those wishing to locate and join a virtual group. It is not to be used for the purposes of promotion or advertising by individuals or organisations, under any circumstances.
Disclaimer: These listings are provided for information only. The Miracle Network does not endorse or recommend any particular group. We do not, and cannot, take responsibility for the content or running of any group.
Please email admin@miracles.org.uk if the details here change or to add a new group to the list.
Online Study Groups
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Group Type | Details |
Gary and Cindy Renard’s Classes | TWICE A MONTH Two-hour online classes, ongoing. Watch live, watch recordings and have access to 100+ previous classes! An hour of teaching + an hour of Q&A. £28.50/month + VAT. www.patreon.com/garyandcindyrenard |
Facebook Live | DAILY approx 1pm Hollie Holden – ‘Presence of Love’ Study Group |
Facebook Live | DAILY John Guyon – ‘ACIM: a personal journey’ – john.guyon@btinternet.com |
Online Membership Community | DAILY Robert & Hollie Holden www.everydaymiracles.love |
Zoom | SUN 9am (UK time) MIRACLE NETWORK Dan Strodl Email admin@miracles.org.uk to get the link. |
Zoom | MON 4.30 – 5.30pm Gabriela Lerner gabriela@gabrielalerner.com or +351 910 503 187 (via WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal) |
Zoom | MON 7.15pm Joe + Sarah McIntyre (01382) 223158 |
Zoom | 1st + 3rd MON of month 7.30 – 9pm kironJ Gardner kiron9@outlook.com |
Zoom | TUES 6.30 – 7.30pm. Lia Steinson https://uso2web.zoom.us/j/7511850604 Free of charge. |
Zoom | WED 9.30 – 11am or 9 – 10pm, alternating weeks Evie Karen Gibbens 07876 402062 |
Zoom, Online Meditation | WED 9.30 – 11am or 9 – 10pm, alternating weeks Evie Karen Gibbens 07876 402062 |
Zoom | WED 10am Michelle Murphy 07769 334687 |
Zoom | WED 6.30 – 8pm Andrea Harris andreaharrisuk@aol.com |
Zoom | THURS fortnightly 7pm Rahila Ahmed (01279) 813142 (Working through the Manual for Teachers) |
Zoom | THURS fortnightly 7pm Rahila Ahmed (01279) 813142 (Working through the Manual for Teachers) |
Zoom | THURS fortnightly 7.30 – 9/9.30pm Catherine Petrie 0781 495 4478 |
Zoom | FRI 10.30am – 12pm Helena Alder info@helenaalder.com |
Zoom | FRI 7pm Garry Hasler 07738 280689 or experiencingacourseinmiracles@gmail.com |
Zoom | SAT 4pm Joanne Menon info@joannemenon.com https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4562720534 |
Zoom | MISCELLANEOUS Holly Thomas 07988 831332 or acim.uk@gmail.com |
Zoom | MISCELLANEOUS Jacquie Verbeek 07887 528704 or info@jacquieverbeek.com |
Zoom | MISCELLANEOUS Maria James www.mariajames.co.uk |
Zoom | MISCELLANEOUS Jonathan Quail 07766 765813 |
Zoom | MISCELLANEOUS Gabriela Lerner 07545 501124 |