Early on, Wapnick provides an excellent summary of the theme. “Form is anything that has to do with behaviour, anything that occurs in the material universe, which includes the entire cosmos… anything that has materiality. This includes the personal world, which we think of as our individual lives. In other words, anything the body thinks, feels, says and does. Content is only of the mind and has only two components: the ego
thought system of guilt, sin, fear, attack, judgement and death, and the Holy Spirit’s correction thought system of forgiveness, healing, peace and love.”
The ego preserves itself by having us identify with the external or physical form at the expense of the mind’s content. In the context of this book, we see the ego’s ingenuity in having us focus on the external symptoms of sickness, their amelioration then seen as healing. True healing, however, comes only when we let the true Healer return our attention to the mind’s symptom of guilt. By so doing, our unhealed minds are cleansed of the erroneous belief in guilt’s reality, freeing us to become healed healers.
Our recognising that sickness and healing are only of the mind is one of the Course’s major purposes, for it is the basis of forgiveness. It is the purpose of this book to help further students’ understanding of this process, which is a significant part of the healing journey we take with Jesus.
The second half of the book contains questions and answers, transcribed from a workshop on this subject in 2009.
“It is not their hands that heal. It is not their voice that speaks the Word of God. They merely give what has been given them… And this is the function of God’s teachers; to see no will as separate from their own, nor theirs as separate from God’s.” (M 19)