Miracle Network

Video Gallery

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The next Dalai Lama? :-) Gary & Cindy Renard Workshop Excerpt

A short excerpt from Gary Renard and Cindy Lora Renard’s workshop, which surprisred, delighted and inspired everyone watching. You can purchase the full 1 hour 58 minute workshop recording here: https://www.miracles.org.uk/product/gary-cindy-renard-practising-pure-non-dualism-in-a-dualistic-world-event-video-1hr-58min/

Miracle Network 30th Anniversary Celebration, 18/05/24

This video sideshow is a collection of photos and videos from various people of the Miracle Network’s 30th Anniversary Celebration, on 18th May 2024. For those who were unable to be with us, we hope that you will appreciate it, as a way of joining us in our festivities. It was everyone’s anniversary!

30 Years: Messages from Friends: Gary Renard, Marianne Williamson, etc.

A Course in Miracles teachers Alan Cohen, Lee Jampolsky, Jon Mundy, Marianne Williamson, Gary Renard, Miranda Macpherson, kironJ Gardner and Robert Perry offer wonderful, heartfelt greetings, reflections and memories at the time of the Miracle Network’s 30th anniversary.

Miracle Networks 30th Anniversary Slide Show (2024)

Faces and events, A Course in Miracles teachers, students and team members, from 30 years of the Miracle Network.

Kenneth & Gloria Wapnick, Interviewed by Ian Patrick (Sept 1998)

Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick were presidents of the Foundation for A Course in Miracles till their deaths in 2013 and 2022. Ken authored 30 books on ACIM, produced more than 225 audio and video recordings, taught countless classes and workshops, and wrote about the Course for more than 35 years. This interview was intended for publication in Miracle Worker magazine and not, originally, for broadcasting – hence the sound is not studio quality. In 2022, Ian found the tapes, converted the recording to a digital .mp3 file and added photos of Ken and Gloria to produce this slideshow video.

Our Favourite ACIM Lessons Set to Music

The Miracle Network team chose their favourite ACIM lessons, prior to the July 2021 conference, ‘Lessons We Love’. Here is a compliation of musical versions of their choices. Thanks to James Twyman and Neda Boin.

Helen Schucman: A Rare Recording of Her Voice

Helen Schucman describes the ‘Voice’, which revealed ACIM to her. This rough, 13-minute recording by James Bolen, is more of a casual chat with Helen, rather than a formal interview. It was recorded at a party in California in 1976 (you can hear music, voices and the clink of glasses in the background).

Nick Arandes: An Online Meditation

Recorded 29th April 2020.
Free online meditations take place weekly on Zoom, Wednesdays, 10 – 10.45am. Link: https://zoom.us/j/5071748173 (no password required).

Carol Howe: Happiness

Carol Howe brings wisdom to the subject of happiness and describes how it arises from dispassionately noticing your thoughts, through conscious awareness, and experiencing the peace that follows.

Larry Glenz’s Experience of the Course

Larry Glenz talks about his experience with ACIM and how it has radically changed his life.

Alan Cohen: Special and Holy Relationships

Author Alan Cohen talks about the thorny issue of special and holy relationships.

Susan Duggan: The Forgiving Life

Susan Dugan describes the transformational effects of living a forgiving life.

Douglas Crawford: Source Breathwork and ACIM

Douglas Crawford talks about ‘source breathwork’ and A Course in Miracles.

Nick Arandes: The Metaphysics of the Course

Nick Arandes on the metaphysical foundation of A Course in Miracles

Jennifer Hadley: Life Purpose

Jennifer Hadley on your life purpose

Michael Dawson: A Short Summary of the Course

Michael Dawson presents a short summary of the Course, from its underlying metaphysical principles to its practical application – a path to inner peace and happiness through forgiveness.

Amy Torres: A Meaningless World

Amy Torres says: “My inclination is to face the worst, first. In ‘A Meaningless World’ we look at what Jesus means in ACIM when he says this is a meaningless world. That’s a devastating statement, isn’t it? Or is it… ? Watch now if you dare, and see for yourself.”

David Hoffmeister’s Experience with the Course

David Hoffmeister describes his profound experience working with ACIM”

Nick Arandes: Purpose of Relationship

Nick Arandes on the Puropse of Relationship

Gary Craig: Webinar with EFT Creator (November 2015)

Gary Craig discusses the relationship between Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and A Course in Miracles, particularly regarding ‘Optimal EFT’. With Ian Patrick, Mike Warwick and Sheri Baker.

Kirsten Buxton: Introduction to Guidance

Kirsten Buxton talks about her experience with A Course in Miracles, particularly around hearing Guidance – the Voice for God – throughout the day, and about living from that place.

ACIM Translator Interviews

ACIM translator interviews, with comments by Dr William Whitson and Dr Kenneth Wapnick

Ian Patrick at the Ibiza Enlight Festival

This is a 3-minute snippet from the start of one of Ian Patrick’s  presentations at the Ibiza Enlight Festival, 2015. It also features, Sue, the incredible translator!

Sondra Ray & Markus Ray

Sondra Ray and Markus Ray introduce their talks in Berkhamsted and London, 2013.

Gary Renard: Love Has Forgotten No One

Gary Renard speaking during the ‘Love Has Forgotten No One’ retreat at Latimer Pace, Bucks, September 2013.

Heather Pozzo at the Miracle Cafe

“Healing Our Minds By Changing Our Minds”. An excerpt from Heather’s talk on ACIM and the Work of Byron Katie at Miracle Cafe, November 2012.

What is A Course in Miracles?

The following excerpt is from the movie documentary titled ‘A Course in Miracles – Enlightenment or Bust!’ with Craig Villarrubia, David Hoffmeister, Earl Purdy, Gary Renard, Carrie Triffet and Tony Ponticello.

Jackie Lora Jones: Forgiveness in A Course in Miracles

ACIM teacher Jackie Lora Jones brings some clarity to the topic of forgiveness.